
Santa Claus Door Weight in Felt

Santa Claus Door Weight in Felt - The door weight is a very useful item for spaces where there are strong wind currents because they prevent the door from hitting hard, avoiding noises and scares. In addition to being a useful object, door weights now also have decorative character helping to bring beauty, joy and harmony into the environment.

Peso de Porta de Natal

There are numerous door weight models of different types available on the market. In the world of felt crafts these pieces also fell in grace and we can find models for all tastes! There are numerous templates available to choose from different themes. 

Taking advantage of the Christmas season where Santa's molds are highly sought after, we brought this model of the good old man, in two sizes, for you to choose the one that you think is most appropriate. Peso de Porta de Natal 
Santa Claus Door Weight in Felt 
Christmas Door Weight

Santa Claus Felt Craftwork

Santa Claus Door Weight in Felt

In our channel on YouTube or in our Fanpage you can watch the video step by step where we teach how to make this piece. Click here to watch.
Now let's go to the mold! Peso de Porta de Natal 

Santa Claus Door Weight in Felt

Print the templates on A4 sheet. This is already life-size, however in some printers there may be variations so if you have doubts about how to resize the molds, access the post we made here on the blog teaching you to work on this step. Click here and learn how.
If you have doubts or do not know how to calculate the value of your pieces of your crafts after they are ready, click here and read the post where we teach to do this step. A good job to all!